this journey home

In December 2017, I was sitting in a cafe in Cape Town, South Africa, writing notes in my journal when the idea for a new blog came through. Since college, I’ve always had a blog– there was Travel Tattoo, all about my travel adventures and the physical and non-physical tattoos my travels etched. For a while, I had a column on Extreme Dreamers, a platform started by my sister Leah’s college bestie, Jonell. Then there was frame of reference; it got really spiritual around that time. was a moment, and then my beloved love lifted me. This space detailed me getting to my essence, love. Love is who I am and who I will always be. It lived up to the hymn that is its namesake– when nothing else would help, love lifted me. On December 25th of that year, I sat in my parents’ living room in Linden, New Jersey, writing my first post and sharing the link with friends and family. Ayodele texted me back, and she said, “You’re gonna write a book one day,” to which I responded, “Really?! You think so?” she said, “I know so.” Ayo has always been a perfect mirror, for better or worse, prophetic in her own way. So anyway, fast forward about five years later, and she was right. I wrote a book– The Lineage of Love. Originally titled Love Lifted Me. The Lineage of Love, like love lifted me, was/ is an offering. A heartfelt labor of love that healed me with every word I channeled, penned, typed, and edited. With every tear-stained journal entry, it was love that lifted me.

Last Oct/Nov, my goodness, I cannot believe it will soon have been a full year. I spent 33 days in Tulum, where I experienced Bufo. Well I participated in a Bufo ceremony, and I experienced my evolution from heaven to earth. By the end of the ceremony, I was clear that my work was to hold space for birth and death. I was already a credentialed full-spectrum doula. That was half the story, I am a midwife for the soul. I hold space and create space for souls as they come, as they evolve, and as they go. Since then, I have been exploring the cyclic nature of birth, life, and death, and as is my soul, I write about it. The only thing, love lifted me, did not feel like the space to capture these musings. love lifted me felt complete. It felt complete with my last post, ‘A Tree Has Fallen,‘ commemorating the transition of my dear Grandfather Edward Lee Dickerson, Jr.

So why this post? Because I wanted you to know where to find me. I’ll be over at this journey home- “this journey home” is an exploration of the cyclic nature of life. Inspired by Ram Daas, I have created this space as a soft landing, a nurturing rest stop, and a tight hug on the journey home. I hope you join me there. In honor of the Grandmother of all cycles, you can expect me to post as the phases of the moon inspire me.

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As always, thank you for rocking with me.

I love you.

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